About Us

Who We Are and What We Do

riverstoreefs.com was born out of a passion for marine wildlife and a desire to spread awareness about the glooming threats that our lakes, rivers, and oceans face.

How and Where We Donate

A portion of all proceeds will be donated to supporting conservation efforts. The target of these donations will be one or both of the charity's listed below. At this time, donations will include 10% of yearly net profits. If you would like to contribute to these charity's directly, a link to their respective websites can be found below.

  • Oceana

    Oceana, founded in 2001, is the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. Our offices around the world work together to win strategic, directed campaigns that achieve measurable outcomes that will help make our oceans more biodiverse and abundant. Since its founding, Oceana has won more than 275 victories and protected nearly 4 million square miles of ocean.

  • Waterkeeper Alliance

    The Waterkeeper Alliance holds water polluters accountable for their actions and protects water globally by collaborating with more than 300 local waterkeeper groups. Moreover, through their clean and safe energy campaign, they seek to protect watersheds and local communities by halting the harmful consequences of fossil fuel extraction, transportation, and burning. Similarly, their pure farms, pure waters campaign raises awareness of harmful industrial pollution, ensures that environmental regulations are followed, and supports traditional family farms.

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